Course management enables self-registration, online application to courses, applicant validation, pass/fail tracking, and electronic issuance of licenses and diplomas. It streamlines all steps in the workflow, reduces the operational burden for administrators, and provides a user-friendly and transparent application interface for participants.
The COMET Course Management Module offers a whole set of seminar customization options which means that e.g. Coach Administrators can create and define the details of their course according to the needs of their organization.
1.1. Pre-selectable Workflows
All COMET Courses imply the self-registration process, i.e. participants can apply and undergo all steps of the application process from their COMET UI. A responsible person authorized to create and edit seminars can choose one of the predefined application types. Application types are designed to cover all scenarios of the application process. The five Pre-selectable Workflows are: Pay after approval, Just Apply (with Approval), Just Apply (without Approval), Just Pay and Pay Later.
1.2. License and Registration Types
Possibility to define license categories (UEFA PRO, A, B, C, national categories, etc.) and registration types (goalkeeper coach, head coach, assistant coach, etc.) for each course. The registration type defines the audience for the course, while the license type defines which license will be issued to the participant upon successful completion of the course.
1.3. Course Details
Generally speaking, courses are events that have an organizer, time period, place, and description. Additional data such as duration in hours and the maximum number of participants are used for reporting and application validation. Course Administrators can define Application Surveys, i.e. the form /set of questions that need to be submitted by course applicants. For example, participants may need to answer particular course-related questions, submit specific documentation or prove a certain level of education, or citizenship. All of these scenarios can be configured by the Course Admin on the Application survey.
1.4 Integration of Various Item Types
The course can be integrated into only one or to several Item Types, e.g. Course Participation fee and License fee. Usually, the participation fee covers the issuance of the license. In other scenarios, the Participation fee is paid by all participants, and the License fee is then paid only by participants who have successfully completed the course, and are eligible for the license issuance. In the case of Payment module implementation, these payments can be executed electronically as a step in the application workflow.
1.5. Course Privacy
For hiding Courses from public users, there is a “Privacy” feature that might be used for specific organizational needs of the event, e.g. for seminars that are organized for a closed group of invited Clubs and should not be publicly accessible. Courses that are categorized as private are not displayed under the Courses menu, i.e. they cannot be searched or accessed without the direct URL.
2.1. Self-Registration to My COMET
Users who don’t have credentials for login, follow the simple registration process. Once they register and verify their e-mail, they can browse through available courses and apply for registration. Users are required to complete their profiles with all mandatory information, before applying to any courses. Users can always review the status of all of their applications in MyCOMET, including the history of completed courses, and if Payments are integrated, the history of payments for courses and licenses. My Profile menu consists of COMET information relevant to course management.
2.2. Course Application
The courses menu is designed as the searchable “Course Store”, i.e. the courses can be searched/ filtered by the name or license. After selecting a specific course and reviewing details, the participant applies to the course and usually completes an application survey, including entering required data and uploading documents, as requested by the course organizer. Depending on the pre-selectable Workflow the applicant can automatically be admitted to the course, or its participation can be subject to application review and approval by the course organizer.
2.3. My Orders
Courses applicants/participants manage their payments in the App. My Orders menu displays the list of all orders, i.e. purchased course items with the indication of payment status. A click on the order from the list redirects you to the Order details page. On this page, you can check all the details of the order, purchased item, and payment details.
2.4. Outcome (Pass/Fail) of the Course
When the course is completed, the Administrator enters the outcome (pass/fail) for each participant. The license is issued only to those participants that have successfully completed the course. The license will be visible on the person’s profile in COMET
3.1. Automatically Issued Licenses
License is granted after the participant has successfully passed a specific course. E.g. if a coach has successfully completed the UEFA A Seminar, upon successful completion, that Coach will automatically receive the UEFA A Coaching license for a certain pre-defined period of validity. That license will be visible on the person’s coach profile.
3.2. License Expiry
On the final day of the validity of a certain license, that license will be automatically deactivated by the system. Furthermore, reminders can be set up to inform license holders that their license is about to expire.
3.3. License Print Version
The issued license can be printed out of the system in the standard PVC (Credit Card) format, in accordance with a predefined license template. Different formats can be used, e.g. one template for UEFA licenses and another template for national licenses.
3.4. Course Diploma Print Version
In addition to licenses, course diplomas or certificates of attendance can be printed automatically out of the system. There is also a useful function to print all diplomas in bulk. Beyond printing, diplomas can also be distributed to course participants in electronic/PDF format. Diploma printing is enabled for participants in status Passed.
3.5. Attendance
The possibility of tracking participant attendance is often needed to manage certain courses. On Courses that have a Track Attendance Feature, administrators are able to track the attendance status and generate/print the Certificate of Attendance.
3.6. Assessments
Course Administrators can define Course Assessments, i.e. assessments are predefined forms/sets of questions that are used on the course by Course Admin to track specific results and assessments of the course participants. For example, Course Administrators may need to track specific fitness goals, body measurements, and academic achievements of the participants. All of these scenarios can be configured by the Course Admin via the Assessments module. Course Assessments can be added to the course and tracked via the Assessments tab on the course profile.