The registration process is a prerequisite for competitions, and relates to all football stakeholders, such as players, coaches, referees, and relevant organizations, such as clubs. Its most common functions are registrations of players, national and international transfer workflows, administration of clubs and facilities data.
1.1. Club Profile
Clubs are registered underneath a governing body (e.g. National Association or Regional Association), and are categorized by club type. They have a local (Rank) and international (FIFA) category, and a default/home stadium, that is set by default in the home matches of that club.
1.2. Club Types
Club can have various types like football club, futsal club, women’s club, beach soccer club and more. Each of them can have specified restrictions for disciplines (sports) and genders. E.g. a Women Football Club may accept registrations in disciplines football or futsal, but only of female gender.
1.3. Teams
Clubs can have multiple teams, which in turn may be allocated to competitions. Teams can have their own profile different from the club, such as type, default stadium, address and contact details, rank, kits, etc. The profile of the team overrides the profile of the club in competitions. Players are always registered to a Club (in accordance with FIFA RSTP) but can be allocated to one or more competition teams.
1.4. Mass Registration
Possibility to re-register players in bulk prior to the start of a season, simply by selecting/checking players who are staying in the club. An automated procedure on a certain date automatically terminates all unchecked players, and leaves the checked players registered.
1.5. Kits
Each club defines its own playing kit for players and goalkeepers. Kits are selected on the lineup form, prior to each match. They can be defined both on the club level and on the team level.
1.6. Club Officials
On top of players, coaches, and technical staff, the club can also register administrative club officials, such as President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. Official registration types are predefined by the Association.
2.1. Registration workflow
The Association may set up its own specific workflow to be consistently applied to all player registrations. In the most common scenario, the club enters the necessary data in the system and then submits the registration which then needs to be confirmed by the governing body. The approving governing body is most commonly the National Association or Regional Association, depending on the organizational affiliation/rank of the club.
2.2. Discipline
COMET supports 3 main disciplines (sports) governed by FIFA: Football, Futsal, Beach Soccer. A player registration always has a discipline assigned to it and most commonly, the player can have a maximum one active registration per discipline. A player can participate in a competition only if it has a confirmed registration in that competition’s discipline. Each discipline has its own dedicated match report configured and based on FIFA Laws of The Game for that chosen discipline.
2.3. Gender
The system tracks the gender of each registered individual, as per FIFA Data Standard. Gender is a mandatory field as it has an impact on player’s eligibility in certain competitions. E.g. male players are restricted from playing in female competitions.
2.4. Registration Types
Possibility to define various registration types like first registration, transfer, eligibility, loan, etc., that are used to categorize registrations. Furthermore, the registrations are divided by level, amateur vs professional, as per FIFA RSTP definitions.
2.5. Registration Form
A fully completed registration form may be generated by the system in PDF form and automatically sent out to the designated recipients (e.g. player or parent). The form is useful in scenario where a physical signature of the player or parent/guardian of the player is required by the registration regulations.
2.6. Retro-Registration
Simplified form allowing administrators to complete the player’s history, i.e., retroactively add player registrations. This is commonly used prior to an international transfer and generation of a FIFA Player Passport (in cases where the player’s history is incomplete for any reason). Retro-registration is often used for national team players and officials for the purpose of tracking historical competitions and statistics.
2.7. Confirmation Consoles
Consoles allow Association users to access in real-time pending registration tasks, and act upon them. The most common are consoles displaying the list of player registrations that are due to be reviewed and confirmed by the governing body.
3.1. Transfer Request
A club may initiate a transfer, by entering/submitting a new registration for a player that is actively registered for another club. The new registration can only be confirmed after the previous registration has been terminated by the releasing club. In case of disagreement, the player administrator of the parent organization of the clubs may administratively resolve the conflict in the system.
3.2. Local/Simplified Transfer
The player administrator of an organization parent to both clubs involved in a transfer, can use a simplified one-step transfer procedure, i.e. to terminate the registration in one club and create/confirm the registration in another one.
3.3. International Transfers
Ingoing and outgoing international transfer workflows are managed in the system by the local club involved in the transfer and the national association (usually International Department or TMS manager). Standard required reports are generated automatically from the system, such as the FIFA Player Passport, ITC request, approval, and provisional registration.
3.4. Transfer Details
COMET can store all required data about the transfer agreement between the releasing and engaging club, including declared/planned payment details related to the player transfer. Authorized users can upload a copy of the transfer agreement, can specify the various types of payments (fixed fee, conditional fee, buy-out fee, etc.), and can add instalment schedule, with amounts and dates for each instalment.
3.5. Transfer Payments
Authorized users can track the actual performance of the transfer agreement, by entering the actual (realized) payments executed by the engaging club in accordance with the transfer agreement. The payment amounts are validated against previously entered planned payment details and evidenced with the upload of proof of payment. The declaration of both transfer details and actual transfer payments meet the requirements of the FIFA Clearing House, whose aim is to use declared information for the calculation and distribution of training rewards.
3.6. Transfer Consoles
Consoles allow Association users to access in real-time pending transfer tasks, and act upon them. The most common are consoles displaying the list of player transfers that are due to be reviewed and confirmed by the governing body. There are separate consoles for international and national transfers, as these processes are subjected to separate rules and workflows.
4.1. Contract Types
Standard contract types as defined by FIFA RSTP are configured in the system, such as permanent professional contract and loan agreement. Additional contract types such as student contract or amateur agreement can be defined and used in the system. Contracts are not limited to players, they can be entered for other club roles, such as coaches, technical staff and club officials.
4.2. Loan Agreements
Confirmation of a loan agreement triggers an automated transfer of the player from one club to another. Termination or expiry of a contract triggers an automated return of the player to the initial club.
4.3. Contract Annexes
Possibility to enter contract annexes, such as a contract extension to an existing contract.
In practice, the contracts are entered and submitted in the system by the club, and then need to be confirmed by the governing body. Premature contract terminations as well require confirmation. Contract copies can be uploaded into the system. Consoles for pending contract confirmations and contract terminations are available to contract administrators to track their pending tasks.
5.1. Registration Types
Coaches are registered with a specific type that details their role. Common coach registration types are Head coach, Assistant coach, Goalkeeper coach, Physical trainer, etc. Furthermore, team staff members are registered as part of the same process. Common team staff types are Doctor, Physiotherapist, Kitman, Team manager, etc.
5.2. License Types
Coaches can be assigned a license that defines their professional level. Coach licenses have a license type (e.g. UEFA PRO, UEFA A, UEFA B, domestic licenses), status and period of validity/expiry.
5.3. Coach Membership
The registration of a coach to a Governing Body (membership in a National or Regional Association) can be used to register a coach in the system that is currently not necessarily employed by a club.
5.4. Age Categories
It is possible to register coaches under a certain registration type to a specific age category. As a result, it is possible to restrict them to coach only in competitions of the age category for which they have been registered.
6.1. Referees
Referees are usually registered by the governing body, and more specifically by the refereeing department. The main role of the referee in the system is to enter and confirm match reports where they have been allocated.
6.2. Referee Assessors
Referee Assessors (or Referee Observers) are usually registered by the governing body, and more specifically by the refereeing department. The main role of the referee assessor in the system is to review the performance of the referee and complete the referee assessment report.
6.3. Delegates
Delegates (or Match Commissioners) are usually registered by the governing body, and more specifically by the competition department. The main role of the delegate in the system is to review the organizational aspect of the match (mostly at higher competition levels) and enter its own specific report.
6.3. Additional Official Roles
Other roles can be registered and take part in match-day operations (mostly at higher competition levels). They can be just allocated to matches, or on top of that complete their own specific report. Examples of such official roles are Media Officer, Security Officer, Doping Control, Match Coordinator, etc.
6.4. Referee Categories
Referees and Referees Assessors are categorized in accordance with the license type structure as defined by the national governing body. Beyond international licenses such as FIFA referee, domestic licenses are allocated based on the professional level/experience of the referee.
7.1. Facility Profile
Facilities (Stadiums, Venues) are registered underneath a governing body (e.g. National Association or Regional Association), and may have specific dimensions, visitor capacity (covered, uncovered, standing, seated), ground type (natural grass, artificial turf, etc.) and illumination (LUX)
7.2. Fields
Facilities can have more fields (grounds) defined, which are then used as units for scheduling matches. In competition scheduling, matches can be allocated either to a facility or to a specific field on a facility.
7.3. Facility Photos
COMET features the possibility to upload photos of the facility, for easier recognition (in conjunction with geolocation) prior to the match, and presentation in external apps and websites.
7.4. Facility Officials
Facilities may have their own administrative officials registered in the COMET system. In practice, this applies only to larger stadiums or venues with dedicated administration and maintenance.
8.1. Individual Intermediaries
Registration of individuals/persons who act as intermediaries, in accordance with FIFA requirements. Individuals can act independently, or as registered members of an Intermediary Agency
8.2. Intermediary Agencies
Registration of intermediary organizations that act as an agency, in accordance with FIFA requirements. Individual intermediaries can be registered to an Intermediary Agency.
8.3. Representation Contracts
Representation contracts between an intermediary entity (individual or agency) on one side, and a client entity (player or club) on the other side. Once the client entity is represented by an intermediary entity, the transfer values and remuneration can be allocated to specific transfers/contracts of the client entity.
8.4. Intermediary Transactions
Transactions to intermediaries in relation both to transfers and contracts are recorded in the system and linked to the specific registration of the player. Transaction values are compiled in a report which meets the requirements of FIFA Regulations on working with Intermediaries.